- 2011 EIA Screening study for iViti Waste to Energy Cogeneration Plant
- 2010 EIA of Pleass Beverages and Packaging integrated development comprising water extraction and bottling plant, farm, tourism centre and subdivision, , Waiqeleqele, Namosi
- 2004 EIA of AquaFiji water bottling plant and extraction bore
- 2004 Regional Environmental Assessment of the Studio City Development, Yaqara, Ba
- 2002 EIA for large state-of-the-art facilities for Goodman Fielder International at:
- Chicken-Rearing farm at Navakabalea, Navua;
- Broiler Chicken farm at Navunivaivai, Nausori, and
- Poultry Breeder Laying farm at Viwawa Rd, Navua
- 2001 EIA of the Walu Bay industrial reclamation project
- 1994 EIA of the Kalabu Tax Free Zone Development Project; Ministry of Commerce & Industry.
Mining projects in Fiji
ECF has been involved with nearly all the major existing, past or prospective mining projects in Fiji including
- Vatukoula (gold)
- Nukudamu (copper-zinc)
- Tuvatu (gold)
- Namosi (copper)
- Nawailevu (bauxite)
- Naqwalimare (dolomite)