ECF has undertaken social impact assessment services for over 25 studies as specified by the Department of Environment, as well as SIAs that comply with the standards of multi-lateral agencies such as the Asian Development Bank.
ECF`s Community Consultation specialist, Kolino Moce has over 20 years experience in undertaking community consultation as part of the EIA process. In addition to the social impact assessment and stakeholder consultation that forms an integral part of all EIA’s completed by Environment Consultants Fiji, some of ECF’s independent social studies include:
- 2009 Public Opinion Survey, Recycling Activity Survey and Compost Demand and Market Survey for Waste Minimisation and Recycling Promotion Project in the Republic of the Fiji Islands. Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)
- 2009 Flood and poverty assessment for the Asian Development Bank
- 2008 Social Safeguard Assessment and Resettlement Plans for Asian Development Bank funded 132k kV Transmission Lines
- 2007 Social Impact Assessment for proposed Rural Electrification for the Asian Development Bank
- 2005 Assessment of child labour in the tobacco industry for British American Tobacco Ltd