Fiji’s environmental and mining legislation requires the preparation of management plans to incorporate conditions of development approval.
These include:
- Construction Environmental Management Plans (MPs)
- Operational Environmental Management Plans (MPs) and Quarry Management Plans (MPs)
- Waste Management Plans (MPs)
- Recycling Management Plans (MPs)
- And others are required as part of the Waste Disposal Permits.
Environmental Consultants Fiji is Fiji’s most experienced provider of environmental management plans, having prepared a wide variety of plans to address both legislative and client-specific requirements.
A notable inclusion was an Environmental MP for the filming of the movie ‘Castaway’on Monuriki Island.
Recent environmental management plans
Recent environmental management plans completed by ECF include:
- 2014 Quarry Operation & Environment Management Plan (QOEMP) Mau Andesite Quarry for Island Quarries
- 2012 QOEMP Vunabaka Quarry, Malolo Island
- 2011..QOEMP Coloisuva Basalt Quarry, for Flametree Devpt.
- 2011 EMP for Sustainable Mahogany Industries Ltd. Navua
- 2011 EMPs for the upgrading of the Naqali to Serea road and the Sigatoka Valley road
- 2010 Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) for Kaibu Resort, Kaibu Island
- 2010 Environmental Management Plan, Maui Bay Integrated Development, Nadroga
- 2010 CEMP, Demolition and Construction of Chicken Sheds, Waila for Goodman Fielder International
- 2008 CEMP, Agro-Processing Ltd., Navua
- 2008 CEMP, Caudua Point Integrated Resort Development, Nabukavesi, Namosi
- 2007 CEMP, Maui Bay Jetty, Nadroga
- 2007 CEMP, Orchid Inn, Saweni, Ba
- 2007 CEMP, Vunabaka Resort, Malolo Island, Mamanucas
- 2006 CEMP, Sovi Bay, Nadroga
- 2005 CEMP, Nawi Island Integrated Resort, Savusavu
- 2005 CEMP, Toquru Subdivision, Navua
- 2005 CEMP, Mango Bay Resort, Nadroga
- 2004 CEMP, Likuliku Resort, Malolo Island, Mamanucas
- 2003 CEMP, Aanuka Resort, Tokoriki Island, Mamanucas
- 2003 EMP, Haynes Abbatoir, Savusavu
- 2003 CEMPs for 3 Chicken Rearing Facilities for Goodman Fielder International
- 2002 CEMP, Momi Resort, Nadroga